i LUV u, u LUV me

all this while i thought umar sudah kenal deria hidung n matanya dgn perfect skali.

jika ditanya “mana hidung?“. dia akan tunjukkan hidungnye.

jika ditanya “mana mata?“. dia kelip2kan mata sepetnye.

n i dont know y everytime i ask him bout these, it must start with hidung 1st. suddenly semlm terasa nk twist soalan. kali ni nk start ngan mata plak.

bila ditanya “mana mata?“. dia tunjuk hidungnye.

bila ditanya “mana hidung?“. dia kelip2kan matanya.

well well. rupenye disbbkan selama ni asek tanya hidung dulu jer, so dia assume ape yg dia tunjuk tu betul. sabau je laaa. next time kena wat beberapa set of soalan la kot. kejap tuko set A. kejap set B. kejap set C. hehehe. cam mana aku prepare sets of Q utk student dulu, gitu gak la gayanya ngan si sepet sorg nie.

oh yea, sebtg lg gigi dlm proses nk memunculkn diri kat gusi bwh umar. ehmm, it took 2 months to add another tooth. lambat gak. so now, he is wit 7 teeth. lg sakan la kot nk menggigit org nnt.

February 18, 2008 Posted by | Uncategorized | 3 Comments


our plan to move in new hse is postponed to the end of this month-Feb.  developer lambat repair defect. satu defect je pun tp keje lembep giler.  plus i was so damn bz wit travelling here n there. da xterlarat nk mengemas sume.

umah bersepah bagai nk giler da skrg nie. brg2 utk umah baru da penuh satu bilik. bukan perabut baru ke ape. just aksesori cam railing langsir etc. sib baik utk lampu kami mntk kedai yg pegang smpi kami nk psg kat umah baru tuh. klu idak, mmg harus bilik yg ada xcukup utk letak brg2 baru nie.

sakit mata tgk bersepah tp da xtau nk wat camne.

this wk, aku da relax skek tp da nk blk kg la plak sempena cuti pjg. well, there goes another wkends. next wk, bz blk ngan keje tp sib baik wshop tu nearby jer. xperlu bermlm cam b4. bleh la kot nk lari2 tgk kontraktor install ape yg perlu.

huhuhu. money money money. time time time. waduuhhh.

February 6, 2008 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment